
Berat Işık was born in 1976 in Diyarbakır. Işık mostly uses video in his works that he has been actively producing since the late 1990s. The artist, who studied painting, was introduced to conceptual art before his university education, and it constitutes the main theme of his productions. The video productions of the artist, who adopts a critical and ironic language on migration, culture, social problems and social identities, have a utopian vision and a performative quality. In his videos where black humor is the main ground, Işık questions the impact of popular culture on collective memory. The artist, who considers the sensitivity of the subjects that he deals with great care and attention, takes a critical look at contemporary society and underlines the delicate situation experienced by minorities in Turkey. The forms he produces in various media other than his videos are viewed as the expression of layers of social memory intertwined with the artist’s individual identity and personal memory. Işık, who had exhibitions, special screenings and gave speeches at institutions such as Pompidou Museum, Tate Modern, ZKM Karlsruhe, NGBK Berlin, École des Beaux-Arts Paris, Arter, Istanbul Modern, Salt and Depo, participated in many exhibitions in Turkey and abroad. The artist, whose documentaries and videos have been shown at various film festivals, still lives and works in Diyarbakır.

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